I’m proud of the fact that almost all of my business is from repeat clients. Here’s some of the unsolicited feedback I’ve received:
“I finally had a chance to read your draft (thanks for your patience), and you really made my day! Thank you for doing such an excellent job. I got the sense that you were really in command of the material, and you have provided a very engaging portrait of this inspiring yet eccentric alum. This is exactly what I was hoping for! It always makes an editor’s day when the first draft of a story is so good.” — Niki Denison, Co-Editor of On Wisconsin magazine, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“We’re getting great feedback on the pieces and so appreciate your role and strong writing contribution. Additionally, you were a complete joy to work with and solid player — integrated right into the team!” — Laura Glawe, former Assistant Vice Chancellor of University Relations and Communications, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“Thanks for all the high quality writing and editing you’ve done for Children’s. You are so good at what you do!” — Tricia Geraghty, former Chief Marketing and Experience Officer, Children’s Wisconsin
“You did a fantastic job on the Annual Report stories! We are so impressed! Thanks so much for your incredible and very quick work on this tough assignment!” — Sara Wilkins, Associate Director of Executive Communications and Executive Editor, Medical College of Wisconsin
“Thank you for your help with this project. I really appreciate it. It is refreshing to get in such clean copy; it makes my job so much easier!” — Michelle Nelson, Writer/Marketing Specialist, Waukesha County Technical College
“It’s a good thing when you have professional, reliable and talented partners you can count on no matter where you go. It’s a great thing when you can also call them friends and genuinely enjoy working with them. Thanks for being one of those truly special partners.” — Saj Thachenkary, Executive Director of Marketing and Community Engagement, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Read more recommendations of my work on my LinkedIn page.